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pApB pCpD pEpF pGpH pIpJ pKpL pMpN pOpP pQpR pSpT pUpV pWpX pYpZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
B pure +leaves 30
B pure colours +shield 26
B.R. pure bhatti kattha 31
B.S. pure ghee +sun & oval 29
BABA DIARY & pure vegetable 29
BABU pure ghee 29
BABU pure mawa +man & oval 34
BAJAJ pure coconut +trees 3
BAJAJ pure coconut oil +tre 29
BANAS premium pure ghee 29
BANDAY'S pure for sure 30
BANGLA pure rubber straps 25
BE max pure ro water system 11
BEING pure +leaf 30
BELEEZ pure delicious ease 29
BELLY pure heena +ovals 3
BERCHHA pure ghee +cow 29
BHAGYAM pure salt 30
BHANU brand pure camphor 3
BIIONA pure ghee +cow & pot 35
BILGINOGLU pure olive oil 29
BILONA pure ghee +cow 2, 31, 32, 34, 42, 43
BILONA pure ghee +cow & pot 29
BISLAC pure aqua 32
BLISS aqua pure 32
BOM pure mustard oil 29
BONN bread eate pure be sur 30
BRINDA pure ghee +cow 29
BRINDAVAN pure ghee +cow 29
BRITANNIA pure health 1, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 21, 28, 29, 32
BRITANNTIA pure health 20
C.M. pure gingelly oil 29
CANADIAN pure +leaf 11, 32
CAPTAIN pure coconut oil 29
CARAVELLE pure rice sevai 30
CAUVERY pure mineral water 32
CFS pure 3
CHAMAN pure refined oil +go 29
CHANDU pure ghee sweetmeats 30
CHAR VATI pure & fresh 29
CHARMINAR pure kumkum +woma 3
CHELLAAS pure ghee +cow 29
CHEMPHA pure 1
CHHAYA pure ghee +oval 29
CHINI MINI pure veg chinese 30
CLASSIC pure ghee +cows 29
COLGATE pure oxygen 3
CONCORD pure rice sevai 30
CREAM GOLD pure ghee +cow 29
CREAMOSOFT pure vegetarian 30
CROWN pure aluminium +crown 16
CTN mr. pure +fruit & circl 30
D-pure 11
DAIRI-RICH pure ghee 29
DAIRY pure ghee +face 29
DAIRY FRESH pure ghee +cows 29
DARSHAN GOLD pure ghee +pot 29
DAZZLER pure aqua +drop 32
DC LOHI pure new wool +shee 24
DELEEZ pure delicious ease 30
DELHI ZAIKA the pure taste 43
DELTA pure 32
DETTOL pure health 3, 5
DEVMEHAR pure desi ghee 29
DEWA pure ghee +cow & oval 29
DHAM pure +cartoon 22, 25
DHAM pure +cartoon & oval 30
DIVYA brand pure camphor 3
DPURE pure salt +circles 30
DR. pure 7, 11, 30, 35
DR. MOREPEN pure cell 3
DS brand pure mustard oil 29
EKIZ pure olive oil 29
EKTA fresh and pure +hearts 29
EMAMI pure skin 3
EVEREST pure ghee +pot spoo 29
pure 32
EXOTIC pure silk 25
EZMA pure +squares 24
FE-pure 5
FINDER pure results +drop 7
FOOD BAZAAR fresh pure +ova 35, 42
FORBES pure & sure +circle 7, 35, 37
FORBES aqua pure purifier 11
FRESCO pure & safe 32
FUJI pure +leaves 11
GAJANAN pure gold premium 30
GAJANAND pure desi ghee +co 29
GALAV pure ghee +tree & cow 29
GAMA pure +triangle 11
GANESH pure camphor +god 3
GANPATI pure ghee +god 29
GANRAJ pure veg +elephant 43
GAUMRIT pure plus +oval 30
GAURI pure sabun +hands 3
GAURI aqua pure 32
GAWA pure ghee 29
GIRIJA pure ghee +cow 29
GIRIJAN naturally pure +ova 3, 21, 30, 31
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